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ATS - The Nightmares on Elm Street 4 and 5

19-01-2012, 18:52
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Koniec: 15-01-2012 09:32:11
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The Nightmares on Elm Street
A novel by Joseph Locke based on screenplays
Part 4: The Dream Master, story by William Kotzwinkle and Brian Helgeland, screnplay by Brian Helgeland and Scott Pierce
Part 5: The Dream Child, written by Leslie Bohem
Based on the characters created by Wes Craven

Futura London 1990

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str. 188

format: 11 x 18 cm

waga: 155 g


The masterpiece of horror continues!
Just then they thought it was safe to snooze, the kids on Elm Street are waking up dead.
Freddy's Back, looking for some 'soul' food. And he won't stop even when Kristen Parker - the last child of Freddy's Killers - goes on a trip that puts her six feet deep. Now the fiendish phantom is using other kid's dreams to find his victims - and to slaughter them in new and ingeniously gory ways.
His blades are razon-sharp, his jokes are improving, and he is eternal. Neither can his bloodthirst be stopped.
So beware: you doze... you die!

ATS - The Nightmares on Elm Street 4 and 5