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ATS - The Medieval Murderers - The Tainted Relic

19-01-2012, 19:32
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 8 zł     
Użytkownik Zigack
numer aukcji: 2019292614
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 24-01-2012 22:27:48

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2006
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

The Tainted Relic
The Medieval Murderers


Pocket Books London 2006

stan bardzo dobry minus

str. 502

format 11 x 18 cm

waga 285 g


Książka w języku angielskim/The book is in English

July, 1100. Jerusalem lies ransacked. Amidst the chaos, an English knight is entrusted with a valuable religious relic: a fragment of the True Cross, allegedly stained with the blood of Christ. The relic is said to be cursed: anyone who touches it will meet an untimely and gruesome end. Several decades later, the Cross turns up in the possession of a dealer, robbed and murdered en route to Glastonbury. Investigating the death, Bernard Knight's protagonist, Crowner John learns of its dark history. In Oxford in 1269, the discovery of a decapitated monk leads Ian Morson's academic sleuth William Falconer to uncover a link to the relic. In 1323, in Exeter, Michael Jecks' Sir Baldwin has reason to suspect its involvement in at least five violent deaths. Thirty years later, several suspicious deaths occur in Cambridge - and, once again, the tainted relic has a crucial part to play. Finally, it's despatched to London, where Philip Gooden's Nick Revill will determine its ultimate fate.

ATS - The Medieval Murderers - The Tainted Relic

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]012-01 12:34
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