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ATS - Stewart Chris - A Parrot in the Pepper Tree

27-06-2012, 2:53
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Cena kup teraz: 10 zł     
Użytkownik AllThatStuff
numer aukcji: 2376932024
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 25-06-2012 23:59:40

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Stan: Używany
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A Parrot in the Pepper Tree
Chris Stewart

Sort of Books London 2002

stan dobry

str. 223

format 13 x 20 cm

waga 275 g

Chris Stewart's "Driving Over Lemons" told the story of his move to a remote mountain farm in Las Alpujarras - an oddball region of Spain, south of Granada. Funny, insightful and real, the book became an international bestseller. "A Parrot in the Pepper Tree", the sequel to "Lemons", follows the lives of Chris, Ana and their daughter, Chloe, as they get to grips with a misanthropic parrot who joins their home, Spanish school life, neighbours in love, their amazement at Chris appearing on the bestseller lists and their shock at discovering that their beloved valley is once more under threat of a dam. "A Parrot in the Pepper Tree" also looks back on Chris Stewart's former life - the hard times shearing in midwinter Sweden (and driving across the frozen sea to reach island farms); his first taste of Spain, learning flamenco guitar as a 20-year old; and his illustrious music career, drumming for his school band Genesis (sacked at 17, he never quite became Phil Collins), and then for a circus.