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ATS - Pym Barbara - Jane and Prudence

19-01-2012, 19:32
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 8 zł     
Użytkownik Zigack
numer aukcji: 2020572325
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 7   
Koniec: 25-01-2012 19:17:02

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2008
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Jane and Prudence
Barbara Pym
introduction by Jilly Cooper


Virago London 2008

stan bardzo dobry

str. 240

format 13 x 20 cm

waga 230 g


Over the years, as Barbara Pym replaced Nancy Mitford, Georgette Heyer, even Jane Austen, as my most loved author, I devoured all her books, but JANE AND PRUDENCE remains my favourite. Even an umpteenth reading this weekend was punctuated by gasps of joy, laughter and wonder that this lovely book should remain so fresh, funny and true to life.

Jilly Cooper

The setting of this very funny novel, one of Barbara Pym's earliest, is an English village where Jane's husband is the newly appointed vicar, and where Prudence will pay Jane a visit and find herself courted by a fatuous young widower. Prudence, at twenty-nine, has achieved nothing in life but a dull research job in London and a string of dud affairs; Jane, now in her forties, was Prudence's tutor at Oxford. Jane cheerfully concedes that she is an incompetent housewife, but she hopes that the move to a rural parish may transform her into a Trollopean vicar's wife, as well as a crafty matchmaker. There are many comic complications here, as Jane learns that matchmaking has as many pitfalls as does housewifery.

The New Yorker

ATS - Pym Barbara - Jane and Prudence

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]012-01 12:33
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