Out of the Dolls House The Story of Women in the Twentieth Century Angela Holdsworth
BBC Books London 1990
stan dobry plus
str. 208
format 17 x 24 cm
waga 540 g
"Out of the Doll's House" is a thorough and engaging book that charters the social, intellectual and emotional developments of British women through the twentieth century. It is bursting with photos that encapsulates the different time periods up to the late 1980s. It has an excellent balance between sociological observation and commentary with anecdotes and personal accounts from a wealth of women from all social classes and backgrounds. I highly recommend this book to anyone:from the university undergraduate studying social sciences to anyone curious about how British women have fared in the modern world. F. M. Dunn "Fi D." Amazon.co.uk
I remember watching the TV series whom this book is based, it tells you in more detail of British women's lot at the beginning of the 1900's, whatever their background and how they had to live and conform to the convention of the time. It also tells how they eventually broke with convention to fight for their rights that men took for granted; one example was as well as fighting to have be allowed to vote they were also fighting to have a retirement pension of their own that men took for granted and so on. It's an interesting social history that also tell of the class differences between rich and poor women. J. Eling Amazon.co.uk