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ATS - Nichol John - Exclusion Zone

19-01-2012, 18:59
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Użytkownik AllThatStuff
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Miejscowość Warszawa
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Koniec: 16-01-2012 12:28:28
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Exclusion Zone
John Nichol


Coronet Books London 1999

stan bardzo dobry minus

str. 341

format 11 x 18 cm

waga 210 g


Książka w języku angielskim/The book is in English



The Falklands, 1999 - a vital strategic stronghold and a prize gem in the oil-rich South Atlantic. For RAF pilot Sean Riever it is a place of ghosts. For Jane Clark, the only female navigator in the squadron, it's a place of tough decisions. Sean's compulsion to live up to a legendary hero leads him towards a woman whose loneliness matches his own. Then a Royal Navy nuclear submarine disappears, and Argentine jet fighters penetrate the Exclusion Zone. As Sean and his companions stave off wave after wave of enemy attacks, their fight to protect the islands becomes an epic battle for survival - in which victory can only be achieved at a terrible price...