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ATS - My Favorite Maryland Recipes

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My Favorite Maryland Recipes

Helen Avalynne Tawes


Tidewater Publishers Centreville Maryland 1998

stan bardzo dobry

str. 179

format 15 x 23 cm

waga 355 g



Born and brought up in Crisfield on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Helen Avalynne Tawes (1[zasłonięte]898-19) gained her knowledge of Maryland cookery as most Maryland girls did in those times: at her mother's elbow. As the wife of Maryland Governor J. Millard Tawes, she spent many hours "experimenting" in her kitchen, perfecting the familiar recipes and refining them for the busy modern homemaker.
The result was a book of 400 recipes, first published in 1964, that blended traditional favorites - from Sweet Pickled Watermelon and Mama's Chow Chow to Maryland Beaten Biscuits, Sweet and Easy Corn Pudding, and Panned Oysters - with elegant dishes served to guests at the governor's mansion, such as Maryland's Finest Crab Imperial, Diamondback Terrapin Soup, Superb Stuffed Shad, and Lady Baltimore Cake.

ATS - My Favorite Maryland Recipes