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ATS - Munro, McKay - As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

08-06-2014, 10:58
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numer aukcji: 4225316269
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 08-06-2014 09:42:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.21 [kg]
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2008
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As I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Eileen Munro, Carol McKay


Mainstream Publishing Edinburgh 2008

stan dobry

str. 271

format 13 x 20 cm

waga 215 g



When Eileen Munro's mother became pregnant at 16, she was told to give her baby away to a 'good family', but the couple who paid the fee at the Salvation Army mother-and-baby home in Glasgow in 1963 turned out to be alcoholics who neglected and physically abused Eileen. Then, when their marriage broke down, they failed to protect her from sexual abuse at the hands of a family friend. After watching her adoptive mother drown on inhaled vomit, Eileen and her younger sister were taken into care, but her nightmare was to continue as she was subjected to further physical, sexual and emotional abuse. At the age of only seventeen, seven months into a secret pregnancy, she decided that the only way out was through a bottle of painkillers; when she survived and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, he became her lifeline.

ATS - Munro, McKay - As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

'We could bore ourselves to death, drink ourselves to death, or have a bit of an adventure...' When they retired,

Terry and Monica Darlington decided to sail their canal narrow boat across the Channel and down to the

Mediterranean, together with their whippet Jim. They took advice from experts, who said they would die, together

with their whippet Jim. On the Phyllis May, you dive through six-foot waves in the Channel, are swept down the

terrible Rhone, and fight for your life in a storm among the flamingos of the Camargue. You meet the French nobody

meets - poets, captains, historians, drunks, bargees, men with guns, scholars, madmen - they all want to know the

people on the painted boat and their narrow dog. You visit the France nobody knows - the backwaters of Flanders,

the canals beneath Paris, the heavenly Yonne, the lost Burgundy Canal, the islands of the Saone, and the forbidden

ways to the Mediterranean. Aliens, dicks, trolls, vandals, gongoozlers, killer fish and the walking dead all stand

between our three innocents and their goal - many-towered Carcassonne.