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ATS - McCall Smith - Tea Time for Traditionally...

19-01-2012, 18:48
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Miejscowość Warszawa
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Koniec: 14-01-2012 17:02:16
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Tea Time for the Traditionally Built

The tenth book in the No 1 Ladies Detective agency series

Alexander McCall Smith

Abacus London 2010

stan bardzo dobry

str. 266

format 13 x 20 cm

waga 230 g

It is a troublesome fact on which even Mma Ramotswe and her assistant Mma Makutsi agree: there are things that men know and ladies do not, and vice versa. It is unfortunate, for example, when Mma Ramotswe's newest client is the big-shot owner of the ailing Kalahari Swoopers, that one thing lady detectives know very little about is football. And when the glamorous Violet Sephotho sets her sights on Mma Makutsi's unsuspecting fiance, it becomes exasperatingly clear that some men do not know how to recognise a ruthless Jezebel even when she is bouncing up and down on the best bed in the Double Comfort Furniture Shop. In her attempt to foster understanding between the sexes and find the traitor on Mr Football's team, Mma Ramotswe ventures into new territory, drinks tea in unfamiliar kitchens and learns to trust in the observational powers of small boys. And, as wise and warm-hearted as his heroine, Alexander McCall Smith reminds us that we must dig deep to uncover the goodness of the human heart.