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ATS - McBain Ed - The Heckler - See Them Die

19-01-2012, 19:00
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Koniec: 17-01-2012 12:07:17
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The Heckler
Book 12 in the 87th Precinct series
See Them Die
Book 13 in the 87th Precinct series
Ed McBain


Orion Books London 2008

stan bardzo dobry minus

str. 216 + 196

format 11 x 18 cm

waga 245 g


Książka w języku angielskim/The book is in English



The Heckler

All over town, phones were ringing. Shopkeepers and merchants were being threatened by anonymous cranks. And the threats were getting more and more serious. When the angry victims started yelling to the local cops for help, Steve Carella and the boys of the 87th Precinct didn't know what to make of the whole thing. Were they facing a plague of harmless pranksters - or the danger of a city-wide wave of violence? All they had to go on were the constant attention of "the deaf man" and the knowledge that if they didn't catch their cold-blooded callers before the end of the month, the prophecies of murder and mayhem might prove all too true.


See Them Die

Kill me if you can - that was Pepe Miranda's challenge. Murderer, two-bit hero of the street gangs, he was holed up somewhere in the 87th Precinct, making the cops look like fools and cheered on by every neighbourhood punk. It was not a challenge Lieutenant Pete Byrnes and the detectives in the squad room could leave alone. Not in the sticky, July heat of the city with the gangs just waiting to explode into violence...

ATS - McBain Ed - The Heckler - See Them Die