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ATS - Luchetti Cathy - The Hot Flash Cookbook

19-01-2012, 18:55
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The Hot Flash Cookbook

Cathy Luchetti



Chronicie Books San Francisco 1997

stan dobry plus

str. 272

format 17,5 x 23 cm

waga 455 g



Książka w języku angielskim/The book is in English



Featuring fresh and wholesome ingredients such as fresh herbs, root vegetables, nuts, and fish, these easy-to-prepare dishes are brimming with the nutrients your body needs for this important phase of life. Inspired by a variety of delectable ethnic flavors and cuisines, Cathy Luchetti's suggestions - from Smoky Yam Cilantro Soup to Rack of Lamb with Mustard Seed Crust - will enliven any meal, and are so appetizing you can easily serve them to family and friends. With an informative foreword by women's health expert Risa Kagan, M.D., and a host of recipes for delicious cooling brews and soothing teas.

ATS - Luchetti Cathy - The Hot Flash Cookbook

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]012-01 12:24
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