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ATS - Ladybird Key Words 2a We have fun

03-06-2012, 8:07
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Użytkownik AllThatStuff
numer aukcji: 2295406332
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 22-05-2012 09:27:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1964
Przedział wiekowy: dla przedszkolaków (3-5 lat),
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The Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme 2a
We have fun
W. Murray
illustrated by Martin Aitchison


Ladybird Loughborough after 1964

stan dobry

str. 52

format 12 x 17,5 cm

waga 115 g



"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently met words in the English language as a starting point for learning to read successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme is scientifically researched and world renowned. In book 2a, Peter and Jane are having fun at the beach in 27 new words including 'look', 'to', 'go' and 'yes'. Once this book has been completed, the child moves on to book 2b. "The Key Words with Peter and Jane Books" work because each of the key words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children when they recognize these key words on sight (also known as the 'look and say' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Series a" gradually introduces new words. "Series b" provides further practise of words featured in "The 'a' Series". "Series c" links reading with writing and phonics. All the words that have been introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced in the 'c' books.
(2009 edition)