The Light Bearers Carrying healing and hope to the Middle East battleground Jean Hatton
Monarch Books Mill Hill London 2003
stan bardzo dobry minus
str. 295
format 13,5 x 21,5 cm
waga 445 g
The Middle East's Traumas wind painfully on, and the world forgets. Who today has heard of the terrible Armenian Genocide? Or the Great Population Exchange? Yet they happened barely 90 years ago.
But all is not darkness. The group of imaginative leaders, including Lord Shaftesbury, who originally formed the "Turkish Missions' Aid Society" in 1854, could not have foreseen that their work would still be needed today. Yet with tens of thousands of small donations, hospitals, schools for the blind, leprosy clinics, farms and front-line care have been provided through the tireless ministry of the Bible Lands Society, often in the context of horrific suffering.
Jean Hatton's masterly depiction of these font-line men and women brings to vivid life a fogotten slice of history. "The uncovering of the Society's story proved far more exciting than anything I could previously have imagined," she comments. "These events speak with great eloquence of the terible brutality of which we all seem capable but equally of the herosm and compassion of which we are also capable." |