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ATS - Evans Nicholas - The Loop

19-01-2012, 18:48
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Koniec: 14-01-2012 13:04:31
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The Loop
Nicholas Evans


Corgi Books London 1999

stan dobry plus

str. 511

format 11 x 18 cm

waga 290 g


Helen Ross, a twenty-nine-year-old biologist, is sent to a sleepy Rocky Mountain ranching town to defend a pack of wolves from those who want to destroy them. For in Hope, Montana, a century ago, the wolf was slaughtered to extinction and though now protected by law as an endangered species, the old hatred runs deep. Alone in this hostile place, bruised by a broken love affair, Helen struggles for self-esteem and survival, embarking on a dangerous alliance with the son of her most ferocious opponent, the brutal and charismatic Buck Calder.