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ATS - Biting Back: The Mike Gregory Story

08-06-2014, 9:43
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 8 zł     
Użytkownik AllThatStuff
numer aukcji: 4225316541
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 08-06-2014 09:42:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.43 [kg]
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2006
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Biting Back: The Mike Gregory Story
Mike Gregory, Erica Gregory, Dave Hadfield


Vertical UK 2006

stan bardzo dobry minus

str. 288

format 14 x 21,5 cm

waga 430 g



A true Rugby League hero, Mike Gregory's deeds of bravery, courage, and valour despite injuries on the playing fields of Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and France gave him the ultimate honour of any sportsman, to captain both club and country. Playing for Great Britain, Warrington, Salford, Cronulla and Wigan St Patricks, never giving less than 100 per cent, he is respected worldwide by his peers and fans alike for never taking a backward step. At the end of his superb playing career Mike took the same ethos into coaching and following initial setbacks, he landed his dream job in charge of his home town club Wigan.Battling against a devastating illness resulting from an insect bite whilst undertaking international coaching duties in 2003, he guided the Wigan team to the Challenge Cup Final in 2004 before temporarily standing down to commence treatment in the USA. But on his return found he had to fight with the club to resume his work. Mike lost that battle for reinstatement but in a high profile legal case, gained recompense from the Wigan club. His path now, proving his doubters wrong and winning this final match against his illness with his loving wife, two young sons and supporters all behind him.