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ATS - A Home for Little Tortoise

03-06-2012, 6:51
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Koniec: 17-05-2012 19:39:09

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1992
Przedział wiekowy: dla przedszkolaków (3-5 lat), dla dzieci z klas I-III (6-9 lat),
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A Home for Little Tortoise
Little Animal Adventures Series

Ariane Chottin

adapted by Deborah Kovacs
illustrations by Pascale Wirth


Reader's Digest Pleasentville NY US 1992

stan dobry plus

str. 24

format 22 x 24,5 cm

waga 300 g



A tortoise is unhappy with her shell until a snail helps her lelarn its true value. Little Animal Adventures is a series of heartwarming tales of young animals growing up. These delightful characters help make story time a rewarding learning experience.

ATS - A Home for Little Tortoise