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ATS - A Children's Treasury of Spike Milligan

03-06-2012, 7:05
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Cena kup teraz: 10 zł     
Użytkownik AllThatStuff
numer aukcji: 2288587005
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 19-05-2012 08:05:26

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Stan: Używany
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A Children's Treasury of Milligan
Classic Stories and Poems
Spike Milligan

Virgin Books London 1999

stan bardzo dobry minus

str. 208

format 20 x 24,5 cm

waga 945 g

An anthology of Spike Milligan's poems and stories for children. It comprises "Silly Verse for Kids" (1959); "The Bald Twit Lion" (1968); "A Book of Milliganimals" (1968); "Unspun Socks From a Chicken's Laundry" (1981); "Sir Nobonk and the Terrible, Awful, Dreadful, Naughty, Nasty Dragon" (1982); and "Startling Verse for all the Family" (1987). The book contains his own illustrations.