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Atlas of Columbus, Kolumb, odkrycia XVI w. UNIKAT

21-06-2014, 20:50
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 99.99 zł     
Użytkownik musaion
numer aukcji: 4266205550
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 21-06-2014 19:44:56

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 2.40 [kg]
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1990
Tematyka: Podboje, kolonializm, okupacje
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Atlas  of Columbus and the Great Discoveries

Edited by Kenneth Nebenzahl

Chicago 1990

Stron VIII+168

DUŻY format: 29x37 cm

UŻYWANA: podniszczona obwoluta, i niewielki ubytek w górnej części grzbietu

/zdjęcie defektu na życzenie/



The Atlas of Columbus and The Great Discoveries brings to us on the eve of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, a treasury of maps from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Age of Discovery. Never before have such important maps of the early explorers been assembled in one volume. Here they may be seen together for the combined effect of their profound beauty and historical perspective they bring to our lives.
From a wealth of manuscript maps, portolan sea charts, woodcuts, and copperplate engravings, the author selected the most significant materials of the period. Beginning with the world as known to Europeans before Columbus's first voyage, the maps record the new knowledge assembled during the period of the discovery and exploration of America. They were gathered from the world's great museums, libraries, and private collections, where new film of the original artifacts was made especially for this book. The text conveys concisely, authoritatively, and absorbingly each one's importance, idiosyncracies, detail, and beauty. From the introduction through to the final page, the design of this richly illustrated work serves as a handsome and inviting visual reference for the layman and scholar alike.
The maps are organized into four sections: Part I:
The Cartographic Tradition Inherited by Columbus Includes maps that illustrate the classical geography, portolan charts, and medieval world maps that set the stage for Columbus.
Part II:
Columbus and His Contemporaries Change the Map
Presents maps that show the early changes and confusion brought about by Columbus and explorers following him.
Part III:
Filling in the Features of the Earth
Covers the continuum of the cartographic record as more information about the New World reached Europe.
Part IV:
Europe's Colonial Era Begins Brings the cartography through to the late 1500's as increasingly accurate maps begin to portray the lands and seas in a form more familiar to us today. There are over 100 illustrations depicting maps by Ptolemy, Pizzigano, Martellus, Columbus, de La Cosa, Contarini, Waldseemuller, Re'is, Cortes, Vespucci, Mun-ster, Cabot, Homem, Mercator, Hondius, Boazio, and Wright as well as many other famous mapmakers of the time. Fifty maps are shown in their entirety, usually as two full pages, with an additional fifty enlarged images displaying the details. Rand McNally has used the latest lithographic scanning techniques to ensure the most faithful and authentic reproductions possible. The maps have been printed on high quality paper and run on presses designed to preserve the beauty and detail of the original.
The atlas stands as an authoritative, handsome volume that not only celebrates the quincentennial of the discovery of America, but also marks the close of the century that saw the dynamic development of Renaissance Europe's contact with the rest of the world. This unique selection of the most important original maps is especially rich because it bears the stamp of the author, Mr. Nebenzahl, who has lived his life with rare maps and documents and who brings into perspective the great cartographic masterpieces of Columbus and his time. It also bears the stamp of Rand McNally, a map making company that for over 133 years has carried on the tradition inherited from the early cartographers.
The Atlas of Columbus and The Great Discoveries-its concept, authorship, organization, design, and production-draws strength, energy, and beauty from the explorers who discovered the lands and seas and from the early craftsmen who worked their artistry and science in creating the maps. It is a once-in-a-century volume that provides an authoritative historical and cartographic link to our past, and is a work of art to be admired now and in generations to come.



Introduction                                                                                      vi


The Cartographic Tradition Inherited by
Columbus                                                              2

Claudius Ptolemy, World Map, Florence, 1474                 4
Abraham Cresques, The Catalan Atlas, Majorca, ca.

1375                                                                         6

Zuane Pizzigano, Nautical Chart, Venice, 1424                 9

Fra Mauro, World Map, Murano, 1459                          12
Henricus Martellus Germanus, World Map, Florence,

ca. 1489                                                                 15

Martin Behaim, Terrestrial Globe, Nuremburg, 1492        18

Donnus Nicolaus Germanus, Hispania, Ulm, 1482           20

"The Christopher Columbus Chart," Portolan Sea

Chart, ca. 1[zasłonięte]492-15                                               23


Columbus and His Contemporaries Change
the Map                                                               26

Map of the Discoveries of Columbus, Basel, 1493          28

Juan de la Cosa, World Chart, Santa Maria (Cadiz),

1500                                                                       30

The "Cantino" Planisphere, Lisbon, 1502                        34

Bartolommeo Columbus & Alessandro Zorzi, Map
of the Equatorial Belt, Italy, ca.
1[zasłonięte]503-15/1[zasłonięte]516-15                                              38

Nicolo Caveri, World Chart, Genoa, ca. 1504-05            40

Giovanni Matteo Contarini, World Map, Florence,

1506                                                                       44

Johannes Ruysch, World Map, Rome, 1507                   50

Martin Waldseemuller, World Map, Strassburg, 1507    52

Francesco Rosselli, Marine Chart & World Map,

Florence, ca. 1508                                                   56

Vesconte de Maggiolo, World Map, Naples, 1511          60
Pietro Martyr d'Anghiera, Map of the Indies, Seville,

1511                                                                      60

Piri Re'is, Chart of the Ocean Sea, Gallipoli, 1513          62

Martin Waldseemuller, Terre Nove, Strassburg, 1513     64

Lopo Homem with Pedro Reinel, Northern Indian

Ocean, Portugal, ca. 1519                                        66

Lopo Homem with Pedro Reinel, East Indies,

Portugal, ca. 1519                                                   67


Filling in the Features of the Earth                         72

Hernando Cortes, Gulf of Mexico Map & Mexico

City Plan, Nuremburg, 1524                                                        76

Juan Vespucci, World Map, Italy, 1524                                         77

Antonio Pigafetta, Maps from Magellan's Great

Voyage, Place of Origin Unknown, ca. 1525                            80

Juan Vespucci, World Map, Seville, 1526                                     84

Gerolamo da Verrazzano, World Map, Place of

Origin Unknown, 1529                                                                 88

Diego Ribero, World Map, Seville, 1529                                       92

Diego Ribero & Giovanni Battista Ramusio, The

New World, Venice, 1534                                                            96

Sebastian Miinster, The New Islands, Basel, 1546                      98

Battista Agnese, World Map, Venice, 1542                                100

Battista Agnese, Oval World Map, Venice, 1542                       102

Sebastian Cabot, World Map, Antwerp, 1544                            104

The "Vallard" Chart, Dieppe, before 1547                                   108

Pierre Desceliers, World Map, Arques

(Dieppe), 1550                                                                              112

Guillaume Le Testu, East Coast of North America,

Florida, & the Greater Antilles, Le Havre, 1556                      116

Diogo Homem, The North Atlantic, London, 1558                    120

Abraham Ortelius, World Map, Antwerp, 1564                          121


Europe's Colonial Era Begins                              124

Gerardus Mercator, World Map on Mercator's

Projection, Duisburg, 1569                                                       126

Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Plan of Cuzco,

Cologne, 1572                                                                             130

Jodocus Hondius, World Map, London, ca. 1589                      132

John White, La Virginea Pars & La Virgenia Pars,

London, 1[zasłonięte]585-15                                                                      136

Baptista Boazio, The Famouse West Indian

Voyadge..., Leiden, 1588                                                           140

Baptista Boazio, Hispaniola. Leiden, 1588                                  144

Baptista Boazio, Cartagena, Leiden, 1588                                  144

Baptista Boazio, St. Augustine, Leiden, 1588                              145

Cornelis de Jode, Quiviriae Regnum & Americae

Pars Borealis, Antwerp, 1593                                                   152

Edward Wright, World Chart on Mercator

Projection, London, 1599                                                          156

Bibliography                                                                                  161

Index                                                                                                165


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