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Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland (PS3)

08-02-2014, 1:11
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 123.99 zł     
Użytkownik SolAviSpl
numer aukcji: 3868662664
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 3    Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 08-02-2014 01:09:47

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Dodatkowe informacje: Folia
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Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland (PS3) 
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland (PS3) 123,99 zł

Stan płyty:

Termin wysyłki
od 7 do 12 dni roboczych


The small fishing village of Alanya on the Arland Republic's southern border is home to the young alchemist-in-training Totooria Helmold. She is called Totori by her friends and family, and she wishes to become a great adventurer. One day, she resolves to make the journey to Arland, become an adventurer, and explore the world beyond her hometown. She will make many friends along her journey of discovery - some new, some familiar. When her quest comes to a close, your actions over the course of the game will dictate whether she finds the answers to her questions, forge unbreakable bonds with friends, or take different paths entirely.


  • Travel and map the Republic of Arlandover several years, exploring dozens of unique locales
  • Synthesize hundreds of items: ingredients, weapons, armor, and explosives to help you on your journey
  • Classic turn-based RPG combat brings strategy and a sense of nostalgia for gamers new and old
  • Several unique endings to experience will keep you playing even after finishing it the first time

Zdjęcie poglądowe, okładki mogą się różnić.
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland (PS3)
Poczta ekonomiczny         4,99zł
Poczta priorytet              7,99zł                  
Paczkomaty                    8,99zł
Kurier (DHL, DPD)          19,99zł
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