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Guitar Pro jest wielościeżkowym edytorem z tabulaturą dla gitary, banjo czy basu. Jest kompletnym narzędziem dla gitarzystów którzy chcą udoskonalać opanowanie instrumentu, komponowanie czy chcą po prostu zaakompaniować samemu sobie!
Guitar Pro pozwala dodawać nuty przy pomocy klawiatury komputerowej, myszy czy poprzez MIDI. Możesz umieścić w nim do 256 ścieżek, możesz przełączać się pomiędzy tabulaturą, a standardową notacją.
więcej informacji:
An optimal display of your score, together with all the tools you need for editing, sound-setting, and playing your instrument. Choose your display options from the screen or page mode, horizontal or vertical scrolling, monotrack, multitrack, and full-screen mode, and 25-800% zooming.
The score appears with 6 retractable panels to its left: Editing, Instrument, Audio, Mastering, Chords, and Lyrics.
All of the tools you need to create and edit scores, right at hand. Quickly and easily capture the notes with the keyboard and its many shortcuts, with the mouse, or yet again with a MIDI instrument. All of the symbols and effectsWith Guitar Pro, add all of the common musical symbols to your score, most notable those that are specific to the guitar and other fretted instruments.
Customize your score  Based on the classic or jazz styles, you can set 70 different parameters, configure the outlook of your scores exactly as you wish, and get professional-level paper printouts.
Tablature and standard notation Both types of notation are perfectly synchronized: the notes capture into one get immediately reported into the other.
 The design mode allows you to adjust bar sizes by hand.

Summary of the notation elementsDynamic, grace note, staccato, fade in, left-hand and right-hand fingering, brush, pick strokes, ghost note, accented notes, muffled note, let ring, harmonics, tapping, slap, hammer-on / pull-off, bend, tremolo bar, slides, vibrato, wide vibrato, trill, tremolo picking, palm mute, multirests, double dotting, n-tuplets, fermata, double accidentals, left-hand tapping, rasgueado, arpeggio, rythmic « slash » notation, ornaments, extended barré…; and of course texts, lyrics, chord diagrams...  4-voice edition for more accurate writing.
Guitar Pro is also a powerful score player, which facilitates composing or learning a piece.
The RSE: realistic audio playback The RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology includes the realistic studio recordings of instruments, as well as some effect modelisations that are the result of years of research. You'll get access to over a hundred soundbanks, and over fifty effects pedals and amps. We provide many presets for all styles, and you can also configure your own effect chains. You can apply a mastering to the final result, with a compressor-limiter, a reverb, and a 10-track equalizer. You can also listen to your scores in MIDI sound.
Optimized playback options During playback, the score automatically scrolls on and a highlighted cursor lets you know which note is being played. You can adjust tempo, and play all or part of a piece in loops. The Speed Trainer will then let you play any section of the score in loops with progressive accelerations. This is very useful to practice a solo or a complex guitar riff! All of the effects specific to the guitar (e.g., bend, slide, ghost notes, etc.) are rendered into the playback, as well as the various possible playing styles – pickstroking, fingerpicking or slapping, for instance.
Improved Management of AutomationsIn a new window, you can customize precisely the changes of volume, tempo, and panoramic during playback.
 In Guitar Pro 6 the RSE2 offers over a hundred soundbanks, new integrated presets, and the possibility to entirely configure the sound of each track.
Global tuning of the master (compressor, reverb, equalization)
 The transport bar synthesizes your display options.
Soundboard, global view For each track, the Guitar Pro Soundboard lets you adjust the volume, the panoramic, and the semi-parametric equalizer. You can also use it to mute one or several tracks, and choose to show or hide them. An ideal tool when you want to use Guitar Pro as backing band.
The global view allows you to get a synthetic view of the score, and thus to easily move around it. You can define various sections in a score, such as Intro, Verse, or Chorus.
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