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Armored Vehicles of the German Army 1[zasłonięte]905-19 (Ha

31-05-2012, 4:55
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Koniec: 19-05-2012 21:07:58

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Stan: Nowy
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Armored Vehicles of the German Army 1[zasłonięte]905-19
Walter J. Spielberger

Book Details
ISBN:  978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]43294
Size:  81/2"x11"
Illustrations:  over 300 bw images/schematics
Pages:  176
Availability:  Now Available
Binding: Hard Cover

Book Description
This classic, definitive series continues with this volume on German armored vehicles from 1[zasłonięte]905-19. Spielberger, a leading expert in the field of German military vehicles, presents the wide variety of four-, six-, and eight-wheeled types and their wide range of uses in this richly illustrated technical documentation. Types include the WWII era Sd.Kfz.231, Sd.Kfz.222, Sd.Kfz.232, and many others from a wide variety of manufacturers.

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