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30-05-2012, 19:36
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 16 zł     
Użytkownik sklep-onyks
numer aukcji: 2285173967
Miejscowość Bielsko Biała
Wyświetleń: 46   
Koniec: 17-05-2012 16:50:37

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

tel.: 33 [zasłonięte]0673
tel.: 33 [zasłonięte]0674

ANIMA - SAINT ASTREAGA (9[zasłonięte]799-85F)

Saint Astraega Lv. 40 Mystic/Church
Attack: 4
Damage: 1
Defense: 8
Armor: 0
Life Points: 9
Resistance: 12
Movement: 8/12
Action Recovery/Max: 3/4

2 - The Holy Priestess (Magic, Effect) Retire two negative state counters from one friendly unit within Astraega's Control Zone.
3 - The Temperance (Magic, Effect) One friendly unit within Astraega's Control Zone recovers 1d10 Life Points
4 - The World (Magic, Effect) One friendly unit within Astraega's Control Zone gains immunity to all damage until the end of the turn. The World doesn't prevent the loss of Life Points caused by sacrifices.
4 - The Star (Magic, Effect, Reactive) This skill nullifies up to 10 damage points from a single attack to a friendly unit within Astraega's Control Zone.


Type: Plot
Characters: Evangeline and Astraega
Level: +5

Evangeline and Astraega form a team and receive the following special abilities:

Holy Essence: If at the beginning of the Recovery Phase Evangeline and Astraega are still both in play, one of them can recover an additional Action Point.

* Evangeline's Additional Abilities:
Holy Aura - Evangeline's Control Zone increases by 2 inches.
Superior Healing - Evangeline's Healing Skill recovers 8 LP instead of 5.

* Astraega's Additional Abilities:
Holy Aura - Astraega's Control Zone is increased by 2 inches.