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ANGELIC REIKI Christine Core

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Angelic Reiki: The Healing for Our Time, Archangel Metatron

ANGELIC REIKI Christine Core



Author: Christine Core
Language: English
Publisher: BalboaPressAU
Publication Date: 10 Jan 2012
Dimensions: 15.2 x 1 x 22.9 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 145B5AC29X



This is a long awaited book. It always seemed that it was Kevin's task to write it. He was the mouth piece for the Archangel Metatron and the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. Kevin left the incarnation in June 2009 without starting. The words you are now holding in your hand are a gift from Spirit; from Kevin, Metatron and Djwhal Khul. In this book there are not just words but through it flows healing and inspiration. It includes channellings, meditations, mini processes and an Archangelic Horoscopes. Some of the ideas may be new and challenging. It is my prayer that it informs, inspires and above all revolutionise the way Healing, Health and The Angelic Kingdom are viewed. Christine Core Angelic Reiki is the pure joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of light. Angels have guided you to this place. They are around you now inviting you to be their servant on earth. Angelic Reiki is the pure joy of working intimately with the Angelic Kingdom of Light. ''A loving tribute to her husband Kevin and his work, the book he was unable to write. Christine Core presents the birth, growth and purpose of Angelic Reiki with beautiful clarity, proving it to be a unique and sacred gift to humanity. This book is packed full of profound spiritual truths and gives the reader uncompromising insights into our journey on the spiritual path. A must read for all those wishing to deepen their connection to the angelic realms.'' Claire, Paradigm Shift Magazine




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