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Amber: The Natural
Time Capsule |
DETAILS: Author: Andrew
Ross Language: English Publisher: The Natural History
Museum Publication Date: 18 Feb 2010 Dimensions: 19.3 x 25.3 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 112 Condition: NEW Product_ID: A565A9B588
Amber is a remarkable substance that originates
from the resin of trees that lived millions of years
ago. Anything that became trapped in this sticky resin
was fossilized and perfectly preserved. The insects and
other inclusions found in amber today are providing
scientists with unique insights into the history of life
on Earth. In this new edition of Amber Andrew Ross
provides an engaging overview of this prehistoric
substance and its fossilized inclusions. The book
explains how amber is formed, where it is found and how
to distinguish genuine amber from fakes. It describes
its many uses, both in art and science, and recounts the
elusive search for DNA from fossilized insects. Detailed
keys and stunning photographs, including previously
unseen pieces of Burmese amber from the Museum's
collections, guide the reader in the identification of
species of insects and other amber inclusions. Amber is
essential reading for all those with an interest in this
natural time capsule.
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