Strange Kicks
Overground Records
Reedycja płyty z 1981 roku z sześcioma bonusowymi utworami. Wkładka zawiera zdjęcia oraz liner notes spisany przez Marka Perryego i Alexa Fergussona.
ALTERNATIVE TV to brytyjski punkrockowy i post-punkowy zespół.
Alternative TV (ATV) – brytyjski zespół muzyczny, grający muzykę punkrockową i postpunkową, założony przez Marka Perry’ego i Aleksa Fergussona.
Grupa ta powstała w 1976 roku w Londynie, zadebiutowała oficjalnie w 1977. Oprócz Perry’ego i Fergussona w zespole grali Micky Smith i John Towe, a w późniejszych czasach wielu innych muzyków.
Ostatni skład Alternative TV to: Mark Perry, Kevin Mann, Lee McFadden, Steve Carter.
Do najbardziej znanych utworów zespołu należy „Action Time Vision”.
In early 1977 Mark formed Alternative TV. Despite the success of ATV's singles and the critical acclaim of their debut album 'The Image Has Cracked' Mark soon grew tired of the punk scene and took the band into experimental areas before splitting up the band in early 1979 to play with a number of bands such The Lemon Kittens and Door And The Window and releasing his debut solo album 'Snappy Turns'.
By 1980 Miles Copeland had got fed up with financing Mark's indulgencies and persuaded him to reform ATV with former punk cohort Alex Fergusson. Copeland who was enjoying considerable success with The Police had put his IRS label through A&M and wanted ATV to be part of this new set up. He pressurised them to pursue a more commercial direction. The result was 'Strange Kicks' released in 1981.
Gigs were booked to promote the album but both Mark and Alex soon tired of the project and ATV split soon after the release with Mark leaving the music industry for a few years.
Although not well received at the time 'Strange Kicks' has stood the test of time well and includes some great tracks, including the title track, 'Fun City', 'My Hand Is Still Wet' and 'Communicate'.
1.The Ancient Rebels/
2.Strange Kicks/
4.Mirror Boy/
5.Anye Is Back/
6.My Hand Is Still Wet/
7.Fun City/
8.T.V. Operator/
9.There Goes My Date With Doug/
10.Cold Rain/Who Are They?/
11.Sleep In Bed/
12.Dub In Bed/
14.Mirror Boy/
15.Pick It Up/
16.Can You Feel The Heat?/
17.Love Lies Limp