Alexander Roth
Allergy in the World
A Guide for Physicians and Travelers
The University Press of Hawaii 1978
Stron 171, format: 15x22 cm
Książka wycofana z biblioteki: pieczątki i kod kreskowy wewnątrz okładki. Stan bardzo dobry - bez śladów lektury.
For the allergy-plagued traveler, foreign ports can rapidly lose their customary allure. If only it were possible to avoid those pesky, seemingly ubiquitous pollens, mold spores, and all those other troublemakers! to move in comfort from mountain to seashore, from cathedral to classical ruins! Here is a book designed to help the travel¬er do just that. Allergy In the World is a con¬venient guide, for physician and layman, tell¬ing which allergens to expect where—and when—for some fifty countries and areas around the world. Included are lists of air¬borne allergens and allergenic plants, pollen and mold calendars, summaries of important climatic and geographic features, and, in some cases, brief discussions of local clinical problems. The information, contributed by allergists from all over the world, is organized in a clear, uniform fashion to make its use as simple as possible. Thus the traveler seeking practical guidance, and particularly the phy¬sician advising allergic patients, will find this a convenient source of pertinent informa¬tion.
Dr. Alexander Roth, a graduate of the Uni¬versity of Kansas Medical School, is a spe¬cialist in allergy and immunology. Since 1962 he has been Chief of the Allergy Service of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Pro¬gram in Hawaii. In addition, he is director of the Allergy Clinic at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital in Honolulu, consultant in allergy for Tripler Army Medical Center Hospital, and Associate Clinical Professor of Pedia¬trics at the University of Hawaii. His publica¬tions include articles in a number of medical journals and chapters contributed to two books edited by F. Speer, The Allergic Child and Allergy and Immunology in Childhood.
Foreword vii Preface ix Wind-pollinated Plants of Proven Allergenicity and Greatest Clinical Importance xiii Molds of Clinical Importance xv Countries and Areas Argentina 1 Australia 4 Brazil 20 Canada 25 Chile 29 Colombia 33 Cuba 34 Dominican Republic 35 Ecuador 38 Egypt 40 Finland 41 France 44 Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic 49 German Democratic Republic (East Germany) 52 Germany, Federated Republic (West Germany) 53 Great Britain 57 Greece 61 Hawaiian Islands 64 Hungary 67 Iceland 71 India 73 Iran 85 Ireland 88 Israel 90 Italy 94 Japan 100 Lebanon 109 Mexico 112 Netherlands 115 New Zealand 118 Norway 120 Okinawa 121 Peru 122 Philippines 123 Poland 126 Portugal 129 Puerto Rico 132 Romania 134 South Africa 138 Spain 141 Sweden 144 Switzerland 148 Thailand 149 Turkey 151 United States of America 155 Venezuela 161 Yugoslavia 163 Contributors 167
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