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Allegri Ivanoff SACRED TREASURES II - Miserere

04-06-2014, 23:37
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Cena kup teraz: 39 zł     
Użytkownik koszur
numer aukcji: 4215474853
Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 04-06-2014 23:25:45

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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Miserere / 6 Metamorphoses
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 1 CD  Valley Ent. (USA) 39   PLN
  Opis albumu
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The psalm "Miserere mei Deus" is a prayer for mercy, contrition and renewal. Since the 1630s, Gregorio Allegri's famous setting has been sung at dawn during Holy Week, while the Pope kneels in prayer in the solemn candlelit atmosphere of the Sistine Chapel. This contemporary version, recorded in the spectral grandeur of Osnabruck Cathedral, adds new material composed by Vladimir Ivanoff to the ethereal harmonies of the Osnabruck Youth Choir and the elegiac brass tones of the cornetto, recreating the mysterious beauty of this sacred classic

Gregorio Allegri - Sacred Treasures II

01. Miserere Mei (5:31)
02. Et Secundum (4:37)
03. Amplius (4:23)
04. Tibi Soli (2:33)
05. Ecce enim (5:48)
06. Asperges me (5:14)
07. Averte faciem (2:20)
08. Cor mundum (5:28)
09. Danza (3:30)
10. Quoniam si voluisses (3:33)
11. Tunc acceptabis (2:20)
12. Sofferenza (2:33)
13. Tunc Imponent (3:19)
14. Danza II (3:36)
Osnabruck Youth Choir
Johannes Rahe
Ian Harrison - corneto