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Alice Cooper: Life And Crimes Of Alice Cooper 4CD

29-02-2012, 12:55
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 120 zł     
Użytkownik paweld1902
numer aukcji: 2065643892
Miejscowość Michałowo
Wyświetleń: 25   
Koniec: 01-02-2012 17:43:33

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: trzy i więcej
Opakowanie: w folii
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


Stan płyty: Produkt ORYGINALNY. Płyta zupełnie NOWA. Zafoliowana.


CD 1:
1. Don't Blow Your Mind - Alice Cooper
2. Hitch Hike - Alice Cooper
3. Why Don't You Love Me - Alice Cooper
4. Lay Down And Die, Goodbye - Alice Cooper
5. Nobody Likes Me - Alice Cooper
6. Levity Ball - Alice Cooper
7. Refelcted - Alice Cooper
8. Mr. And Misdemeanor - Alice Cooper
9. Refrigerator Heaven - Alice Cooper
10. Caught In A Dream - Alice Cooper
11. I'm Eighteen - Alice Cooper
12. Is It My Body - Alice Cooper
13. Ballad of Dwight Fry - Alice Cooper
14. Under My Wheels - Alice Cooper
15. Be My Lover - Alice Cooper
16. Desperado - Alice Cooper
17. Dead Babies - Alice Cooper
18. Killer - Alice Cooper
19. Call It Evil - Alice Cooper
20. Gutter Cat Vs. The Jets - Alice Cooper
21. School's Out - Alice Cooper
CD 2:
1. Hello Hooray - Alice Cooper
2. Elected - Alice Cooper
3. Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper
4. No More Mr. Nice Guy - Alice Cooper
5. I Love The Dead - Alice Cooper
6. Slick Black Limousine - Alice Cooper
7. Respect For The Sleepers - Alice Cooper
8. Muscle Of Love - Alice Cooper
9. Teenage Lament '74 - Alice Cooper
10. Working Up A Sweat - Alice Cooper
11. Man With The Golden Gun - Alice Cooper
12. I'm Flash - Alice Cooper
13. Space Pirates - Alice Cooper
14. Welcome To My Nightmare - Alice Cooper
15. Only Women Bleed - Alice Cooper
16. Cold Ethyl - Alice Cooper
17. Department Of Youth - Alice Cooper
18. Escape - Alice Cooper
19. I Never Cry - Alice Cooper
20. Go To Hell - Alice Cooper
CD 3:
1. It's Hot Tonight - Alice Cooper
2. You And Me - Alice Cooper
3. I Miss You - Alice Cooper
4. No Time For Tears - Alice Cooper
5. Because - Alice Cooper
6. From The Inside - Alice Cooper
7. How You Gonna See Me Now - Alice Cooper
8. Serious - Alice Cooper
9. No Tricks - Alice Cooper
10. Road Rats - Alice Cooper
11. Clones (We're All) - Alice Cooper
12. Pain - Alice Cooper
13. Who Do You Think We Are - Alice Cooper
14. Look At You Over There, Ripping Sawdust From My Teddy Bear - Alice Cooper
15. For Britian Only - Alice Cooper
16. I Am The Future - Alice Cooper
17. Tag, You're It - Alice Cooper
18. Former Lee Warmer - Alice Cooper
19. I Love America - Alice Cooper
20. Identity Crisis - Alice Cooper
21. See Me In The Mirror - Alice Cooper
22. Hard Rock Summer - Alice Cooper
CD 4:
2. He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask) - Alice Cooper
3. Teenage Frankenstein - Alice Cooper
4. Freedom - Alice Cooper
1. He's Back - Alice Cooper
5. Prince Of Darkness - Alice Cooper
6. Under My Wheels - Alice Cooper
7. [I Got A Line On You - Alice Cooper
8. Poison - Alice Cooper
9. Trash - Alice Cooper
10. [Only My Heart Talkin' - Alice Cooper
11. Hey Stoopid - Alice Cooper
12. Feed My Frankenstein - Alice Cooper
13. Fire - Alice Cooper
14. Lost In America - Alice Cooper
15. It's Me - Alice Cooper
16. Hands Of Death (Burn Baby Burn) - Alice Cooper (Spookshow 2000 Mix)
17. Is Anyone Home - Alice Cooper
18. Stolen Prayer - Alice Cooper

Dane Kontaktowe:

tel: 723[zasłonięte]250

e mail: [zasłonięte]@wp.pl