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12-07-2012, 15:06
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 19.90 zł     
numer aukcji: 2394878126
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 11   
Koniec: 03-07-2012 16:27:04

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2002
Język: angielski
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Alan Shrugged: Alan Greenspan, the World's Most Powerful Banker - Jerome Tuccille RECENZJA KSIĄŻKI: As the book′s title suggests, Alan Greenspan, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, is probably the world′s most powerful financial figure. Tuccille, a financial writer and biographer (Rupert Murdoch; Trump), covers Greenspan′s life from his 1926 birth through early 2002. He recounts Greenspan′s close relationship with his mother after his parents′ divorce, his two marriages, and his affinity for both mathematics and music. Although he played jazz professionally, Greenspan chose to follow his mathematical side and made a career in economics. After years in the private sector, he moved into government service as an advisor to presidents Nixon and Ford before President Reagan appointed him Federal Reserve Chairman in 1987, a job he has held ever since. Perhaps the most interesting details presented here are Greenspan′s early involvement with Ayn Rand, his libertarian views on a limited government, and the flexibility he has maintained in his economic thought, which has allowed him to adjust to both differing market conditions and politicians. Tuccille′s biography would be a useful addition to most academic and public libraries. For a more detailed look at Greenspan′s years at the Fed, up to 2000, reader s should consider Bob Woodward′s Maestro: Greenspan′s Fed and the American Boom. —Lawrence R. Maxted, Gannon Univ. Lib., Erie, PA (Library Journal, November 1, 2002) “…Tuccile’s book explores in some details the lives of those who have exerted their influence upon Alan Greenspan…” (City to Cities, March/April 2003) "a useful edition to most academic libraries." (Library Journal, November 1, 2002) “…Tuccile’s book explores in some details the lives of those who have exerted their influence upon Alan Greenspan…” (City to Cities, March/April 2003) O P I S: Power . . . Personality . . . Paradox When Alan Greenspan talks, Wall Street listens–as do bankers, investors, politicians, and economists throughout the world. He is the number one arbiter of U.S. monetary policy–credited, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, with having simultaneously held inflation down and kept the economy growing throughout the longest and largest economic expansion in U.S. history. Yet, this Atlas of number crunchers, who owned and operated a highly successful Wall Street consulting firm, never amassed a personal fortune, was a member of the cultlike inner circle surrounding one of America′s most controversial authors, and began his career as a professional jazz musician. Clearly, there is even more to Alan Greenspan than meets the eye. In Alan Shrugged, you′ll meet Greenspan the public figure and Alan the private man in the most detailed, revealing, and entertaining account of Greenspan′s life and career ever published. Filled with surprises, amusing anecdotes from the likes of Henry Kissinger and Barbara Walters, and thoughtful insights from bestselling biographer Jerome Tuccille, Alan Shrugged offers an informative and engaging portrait of one of the most powerful, capable, and complex figures on the American political scene. STAN BDB (NR KAT. 1)

Wysyłka w ciągu 24 godzin. Książki pakujemy bardzo starannie, dobrze je zabezpieczając. SPECJALNA PROMOCJA: PRZY ZAKUPIE CO NAJMNIEJ 10 KSIĄŻEK (LUB CZASOPISM) LUB ZA SUMĘ POWYŻEJ 200 ZŁ WYSYŁKA GRATIS!!!

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