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Alchera Visions
Białobrzeska 15/69
02-370 Warszawa
e-mail: [zasłonięte]
tel.: (022)[zasłonięte]609 14
kom.: 608 [zasłonięte] 33 70
Civil Demon
- Wydawca:
- Echozone
- Premiera:
- 2009 r.
Najnowsza płyta AKANOID
After their last album COCKTAIL POP, four CD-EPs, and extended touring with DE/VISION and CRÜXCHADOWS the new AKANOID album was released on 22th of Mai 2009.
CIVIL DEMON starts where the last EP 100 BURNING GUITARS has ended. More guitar sounds merge with electronical sounds and elaborated song arrangements. Synthetic Pop has transformed into Electronic-Rock.
The sound is still catchy as ever, and does not follow any trend or genre-stereotype, though a certain affinity to Elektro-Pop and Industrial-Rock bands are clearly noticeable.
CIVIL DEMON is the work of a matured and developed band project, and presents a remarkable spec-trum of compositions, including some interesting musical twists and surprises. There is the classic Elec-tro-Pop (Strange Obsession), catchy dance tracks (Jump Into The Hive, Pain), guitar based Industrial-Rock (100 Burning Guitars, The Nihilist, Headless), acustic pieces (Climax) and more expertimental, sometimes more like progressive electronic-rock sounding (Nexxus, Unbreak Me), which results in an album with many things to explore.
Dostępne również:
- On Air Again EP (2006)
- Usual Freak EP (2007)
- Coctail Pop CD (2007)
- 100 Burning Guitars CD EP (2008)
AKANOID - Civil Demon |
01. Unbreak Me 4:58
02. 100 Burning Guitars 3:47
03. Jump Into The Hive 5:08
04. All The Noise 4:45
05. Climax 4:07
06. Secret World 3:45
07. Headless 3:28
08. Nexxus 5:02
09. The Nihilist 3:19
10. Subtitle 4:13
11. Pain 3:27
12. Strange Obsession 4:31
13. Hand Over Head 4:13
14. ++% 4:06