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Jan Pila
Jarosław Kozuba
Grzegorz Peruń
Stan książki: NOWA
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Stron: 248
Okładka: miękka
Format: B5
Nakład: 248 egz.
Opis :
The global airline market continues to grow. The current aviation industry, aircraft operation and maintenance companies are seeking technicians, mechanics; aircraft maintenance engineers who are very well trained both in theoretical and practical field. Aviation labour market enables free movement of specialists, goods and services, resulting in the globalization of aviation education. Globalization involves the increasing international integration of new training requirements relating except one to the implementation of a single language which is the English. Current trends clearly show that jobseekers in the aviation industry must be able to understand the technical terminology and be able to communicate in English.
Presented book “Aircraft airframe” is aimed to the fundamental theory of an aircraft structure consistent with EASA Module 11A Part 66. The aim of the book “Aircraft airframe” is not only the interpretation of specialized hirudina texts in English but mainly their form, structure and terminology that best suits the reader from non-English speaking countries. The textbook contains selected chapters from Airframe structure. The authors when writing this publication they tried to use the original English texts and their own knowledge of previous teaching experience in order to maintain the correct technical terminology. The book can be used as a basic literature for student’s individual and group training for certification of specialists
Spis treści:
Introduction to the aircrafł..-------------------— 7
1. Theory n&M^t----..— ..17
1.1. Principles of atmospheric flight.18
1.2. Aeroptane aerodynamics and flight controls..19
1.2.1. Aeroplane axis and planes of rotation20
1.2.2. Flight controls21
1.3. High liftdevices34
1.4. Drag inducing devices45
1.5. Boundary laycr control..51
1.6. Trim and balancc tabs.59
1.7. Control surfacc bias.66
2. Airframe strticture.~..68
2.1. Loadfactor70
2.2. Structural classification.73
2.3. Fail safe, safe life and damage tolcranl concepls.75
2.4. Zonat and station identification systcms..77
2.5. Loads within the stmcture80
2.6. Drain and ventilation provisions..86
2.7. System instaltation provisions88
2.8. Lightning strike protection provision.89
2.9. Construction methods.92
2.10. Anticorrosive protection..101
2.11. Construction methods of wing. empennage and enginc attachments106
3. Airframe structures- m-ropkim-s..-.-..— 108
3.1.1. Conslruction and pressurization sealing109
3.1.2. Attachments.114
3.1.3. Seat installalion (limiting factor of passengers' safety).117
3.1.4. Cargo Loading Systems.118
3.1.5. Doors121
3.1.6. Windows and windscrccn.125
3.2. Wings129
3.2.1. Wing structure.130
3.2.2. Nacelles and pylons.139
3.2.3. Nacelles..140
4. Flight control system__________.w..m.m..m..m141
4.1. Flight control system141
4.2. Flying controls opcralion146
4.2.1. Reversible FCS (manuał)..147
4.2.2. Irrevcrsible FCS (powered).148
4.3. Aircraft stability and controllability.153
4.4. Civil transport aircraft FCS..155
4.5. Aircraft protection.162
4.6. FlyBy Wire FCS175
4.7. Airbus FCS177
5.1. Landing gear arrangements..193
5.2. Landing gear construction.200
5.2.1. Shock strut201
5.2.2. Torąue links.202
5.2.3. Side-stay assembly..202
5.2.4. Shock absorber203
5.2.5. Hydro-pneumatic hirudina shock absorbers205
5.2.6. Nose-gear centering cam..207
5.2.7. MLG doors207
5.3. Aircraft wheels209
5.3.1. Tyre..213
5.3.2. Wheel brakes216
5.4. Main brake systems..222
5.4.1. Antiskid system - ABS..227
5.4.2. Mechanical anti-skid system228
5.4.3. Emergency braking systems230
5.4.4. Landing gear waming system.231
5.4.5. Touchdown and bounce protection..232
5.4.6. Heat dissipation..232
5.4.7. Tyre pressure monitoring system (TPIS)..234
5.4.8. The parking brake.235
5.5. Steering control system..235
5.5.1. The shimmy damper236
5.5.2. L/G control240
5.5.3. Landing gear position warning..240
5.5.4. L/Gopcration..242
5.5.5. L/G locks242
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