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AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System myAHRS+

09-02-2015, 0:35
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Koniec: 09-02-2015 00:40:27

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AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System


The myAHRS+ is a high performance AHRS(Attitude Heading Reference System). 
Its attitude output is more stable to acceleration and magnetic disturbances. 

Communication and configuration are enabled via UART/USB interface for user applications. I2C interface is available for embedded application like Arduino projects. 

The GUI(myAHRS+ Monitor) is available, which allows users configure all myAHRS+ settings, view attitude of myAHRS+ and IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) data in realtime and save sensor data in a text file. 
Custom user software may be developed using the myAHRS+ SDK. 

Tutorial      : https://github.com/withrobot/myAHRS_plus/tree/master/tutorial
Discussion  : http://forum.odroid.com/viewforum.php?f=109


* Sensors 
   - Triple axis 16-bit gyroscope : ± 2000 dps 
   - Triple axis 16-bit accelerometer : ± 16 g 
   - Triple axis 13-bit magnetometer : ± 1200 μT 
* On board software
   - Exteneded Kalman filter
   - max 100 Hz output rate 
          Attitude : Euler angle, Quaternion
          Sensor : acceleration, rotation rate, magnetic field
* Connectivity 
   - USB : Virtual COM PORT
   - UART : Standard baud rates up to 460800 bps 
   - I2C : up to 1kHz
* GUI(myAHRS+ Monitor) 
   - display attitude and sensor data from myAHRS+ on various viewers
   - Configuration
   - magnetometer calibration 

myAHRS+ Odroid XU3 demo



więcej przykładowych filmów: myAHRS+ 


Notes : 
1. This product was developed & manufactured by WITHROBOT co., LTD.
2. Board schematics and firmware source code will NOT be publicly released.



AHRS Attitude Heading Reference SystemAHRS Attitude Heading Reference System

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