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AGOT LCG: The Kingsguard

25-06-2015, 17:26
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Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 25-06-2015 17:10:02
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1. Do każdego zakupionego produktu dołączony jest paragon lub faktura.

2. Wylicytowany towar jest wysyłany w ciągu 24 godzin od zaksięgowania pieniędzy na koncie.

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4. NIE ODWOŁUJEMY OFERT! Zastanów się dobrze zanim coś kupisz!

4. NIE wysyłamy przedmiotów za POBRANIEM!!!


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AGOT LCG: The Kingsguard



"Bran was going to be a knight himself someday, one of the Kingsguard. Old Nan said they were the finest swords in all the realm. There were only seven of them, and they wore white armor and had no wives or children, but lived only to serve the king." –George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of The Kingsguard, the third Chapter Pack in the "Kingsroad" cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!


A man’s word can be broken. A knight’s honor can be tarnished. Any man can harbor secret ambitions, even a member of the Kingsguard. The seven Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard wear white armor and take vows to serve the crown, and only the crown. However, each Sworn Brother is a man at his core, and susceptible to the temptations and ambitions and doubts that plague all men. Each has his secrets, and the sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) in The Kingsguard lend shape to their ambitions, their deceptions, and their deadly talents.


Like each of the Chapter Packs in the Kingsroad cycle, The Kingsguard returns players to a Westeros changed by the War of Five Kings, countless treacheries, and new alliances. The balance of power between the game’s six Houses has changed, as have the faces of those Houses. As part of this return to Westeros, each Chapter Pack in the Kingsroad cycle explores one or more of the game’s existing themes or mechanics, adding new depth of strategies and deck-building options while remaining light on new rules.

Accordingly, as it explores the secret ambitions of the seven active Kingsguard, The Kingsguard adds new depth to the game’s Shadows mechanic, featuring not only Shadows-crested versions of the Knights of the Kingsguard, but of other characters and locations, as well. In total, no fewer than twelve of the Chapter Pack’s twenty different cards feature the Shadows crest.