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Against All Odds ! Dramatic Last Bryan Perrett

09-06-2014, 19:10
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Koniec: 09-06-2014 18:46:30

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2001
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Bryan Perrett

Against All Odds! Dramatic Last Stand Actions



Orion, 2001


Cassell Military Paperbacks


Stan dobry, niewielkie ślady używania na okładce, środek czysty, zdjęcie wystawionego egz.


From the Napoleonic Wars to Korea, Bryan Perrett has found a further 13 dramatic military actions where a few fought against many, often with unbelievable success. The events take place in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America; they are linked only by the bravery and devilment which led military men to risk their lives for a last ditch attempt to advance their cause. Attending to the important facts and statistics required by the military historian, the author avoids invention and undue surmise whilst also avoiding the dry lecturing style found in so many volumes describing military strategy. The result is an absorbing, exciting and above all accurate account of astonishing battlefield warfare: narrative history of the sort at which Bryan Perrett excels.


This book is out as part of the Cassell Military Paperbacks series in it the author aims to provide tales of good old fashioned derring-do. The title pretty much sets you up to know what you are getting. Effectively each chapter of this book tells an abbreviated version of some heroic action where a usually outnumbered group of soldiers fend off or sometimes even defeat far larger forces through luck, skill and grim determination.

Taken for what it is this is a great book for a casual read in between more serious tomes. It also may inform your choice of what serious book to read next as a number of these actions are discussed more fully in other works to which the author openly refers to.

Battles covered vary from Waterloo to Antietam, Mafeking to the Boxer Rebellion, the Lost Battalions saga of WW1 fame to Pork Chop Hill in Korea. So you'll get a bit of variety if nothing else.


Bryan Perrett left the army as a successful career officer to take up the pen as a full-time writer. Able to write to any brief (he was captioning picture-strips for schoolgirl comics at one point), he found his metier as a military historian and writer of good, fast, episodic, narrative popular histories. His many books, all founded on meticulous research from primary sources, find a wide popular readership. He is the bestselling author in the bestselling Cassell Military Classics series