'Introduction to Elements' is the essential all-round
resource pack for all users of Adobe Photoshop Elements
7. Bestselling author Philip Andrews has refined this
industry-standard resource over numerous editions, to
bring you exactly the information you need to get right
up to speed with the software, cut out wasted time in
your workflow, and consistently achieve photographic
results you can be proud of. Philip approaches the
subject of Photoshop Elements in a straightforward and
accessible style. As a working photographer, he brings
an in-depth understanding of the image-manipulation
needs of photographers, and the best ways to meet them
to his teaching. In the words of one reviewer: 'he comes
across as a friend, who wants you to succeed'. His
approach is always practical, with an emphasis on
clarity. Step-by-step tutorials guide you through every
essential Elements process, from image import right
through to optimised output for print, web, and email,
using a winning combination of inspiring images, clear
screenshots and clean prose. Key subjects covered
include: layers and selections, combining text with
images, 'painting' tools, stiching, scrapbooking and
file management.Additionally, the accompanying Website
features over 2 hours of video tutorials to further
boost your knowledge. Completely overhauled for Elements
7, this resource is right up-to-date for photographers
using the latest edition of this powerful software.
Whatever your Elements level, you will find a wealth of
invaluable advice in the pages of this book. |