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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: Across the Water
seria / serie: -
edytor / edited by: Sue Dyson
wydanie / publication: 2003 Knight
format / size: 11 cm X 18 cm
okładka / cover: miękka, kolorowa
ilość stron / pages: 630
ISBN: 1-8[zasłonięte]601-96-0
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: dobry / good (zagięcia okładki)
Opis treści / summary:
Brought up in the cloistered atmosphere of a small Manx village, Creena Quilliam longs to spread her wings. So when war breaks out in 1939 she seizes her chance to go 'across the water' to London to train as a nurse, despite the anger of her parents and the wishes of her childhood sweetheart, Frankie Kinrade. Irascible ward sisters, backbreaking work and long hours makes life as a humble probationer even tougher than Creena had anticipated, but there are compensations - the friendship of Lambeth girl Dilly Bayliss and her family for one. And the attentions of brilliant young doctor Oliver Temple for another...
Whuke the Blitz transforms London into an inferno, war brings changes to the Island too, as hotels and homes are commandeered to form internment camps. And as conflict and tragedy divide the Quilliam family, even Creena's own home becomes a minefield of treacherous emotions.
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