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19-01-2012, 20:50
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 32.90 zł     
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numer aukcji: 2019512640
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Wyświetleń: 11   
Koniec: 25-01-2012 01:07:06

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2010
Język: angielski
Typ publikacji: przewodnik
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wymiary przewodnika:
 144 x 103 mm

pocket guide

kieszonkowy przewodnik turystyczny z mapami wydawnictwa Berlitz w języku angielskim

co zobaczyć, co zwiedzać, gdzie pójść, co i gdzie zjeść, gdzie się dobrze zabawić - na te i wiele innych pytań znajdą Państwo odpowiedzi włąsnie w tym kieszonkowym przewodniku Berlitz.

This brand new Berlitz Pocket Guide is packed with all the information you need to enjoy Abu Dhabi, in a genuinely pocketable format. Places to go and unmissable attractions are explored within easy-to-use, colour-coded sections, so you can locate the information you need at a glance. The top attractions are conveniently identified to ensure you see the very best forts, mosques, beaches, skyscrapers and much more. The brand new 'Perfect Day' feature is designed to link all the most exclusive experiences that won't fail to inspire you and will help you to plan your ideal trip. From downtown and uptown Abu Dhabi to Liwa Oasis and Al-Gharbia, all areas are covered in depth alongside full-colour photographs that provide a highly visual introduction to this fascinating destination. Full colour fold-out maps are also included to provide instant orientation wherever you are. A concise history chapter and the handy cultural tips throughout the guide combine to give you a deeper understanding of the area's heritage, from pirate ships and pearling dhows to oil tankers and more. There are also plenty of ideas for how to spend your leisure time, whether you want a safari adventure in the desert, or simply to browse the shops for designer brands and souvenirs. The 'Eating Out' chapter recommends local specialities and provides full listings for all the best places to eat and drink, including an indication of price range. There is also a handy menu reader with phrases to help you order. The comprehensive 'Travel Tips' section provides an A-Z summary of all the expert practical advice you will need, including reliable recommendations of hotels to suit all budgets, information on climate, health, transport, money, language and much more. Small in size but big on content, this guide will help you truly get to the heart of Abu Dhabi and all it has to offer.
Introduction; A Brief History.
Where to Go: Downtown Abu Dhabi; Uptown Abu Dhabi; Islands around Abu Dhabi; Mainland around Abu Dhabi City; Al-Ain; Liwa Oasis; Al-Gharbia.
What to Do: Sports and Outdoor Activities; Shopping; Entertainment; Children's Abu Dhabi.
Eating Out; A-Z Travel Tips; Hotels; Index; Features.
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]26869
Rok wydania: 2010
Kod kreskowy: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]26869