Army investigator Captain Ben Hawkins discovers
that several pounds of the powerful nerve toxin VX-212
can't be accounted for at the Army facility responsible
for destroying chemical munitions. Soon an FBI team is
searching for Mahmoud, who can't forget his father's
fate in the Iraq-Iran war, and Saman, whose parents were
on Iran Flight 655, shot down by the American cruiser,
the USS Vincennes. Their hatred of the country they
blame for their losses leads them to the United States
for revenge. Their scheme uses the same weapons the
United States went to war to find--chemical weapons of
mass destruction. The weapons didn't come from Iraq,
though, but from the stockpiles of chemical weapons
developed and stored in the United States. Colonel
Kashani, a senior Iranian intelligence officer, stumbles
upon the plan, and he understands the dangers of
enraging the American dragon. His challenge is to stop a
terrorist plot without being ensnared by the FBI
investigators trying to locate him. The Army
investigator has his own choices, including whether to
risk his career and possible arrest in an attempt to
stop the attack, even if it means working with a foreign
agent. The action moves from Spain to Washington,D.C.,
Iran to Texas, and to small towns in Alabama and
Virginia. The story is especially timely in view of
recent events in Iran and Washington .