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A Tale of Women and Power in the Badlands of India

10-08-2014, 18:15
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Koniec: 10-08-2014 18:23:01

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Pink Sari Revolution

A Tale of Women and Power

in the

Badlands of India


• Autor: Amana Fontanella-Khan
• Pages: 288
• Formats: Paperback
• Publisher: Oneworld Publications (5 Jun 2014)
• Product Dimensions: 20 x 13 cm
• Language: English
• ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]07440


Nowa !!!


Book Description

When Sheelu was arrested for stealing from a powerful politician in the notoriously crooked region of Uttar Pradesh, she was sure that she would be forced to accept a prison sentence, not least because she had alleged that she had been assaulted by a man in the politician's household. But then Sampat Pal heard word of the charges, and the formidable commander of the pink-sari-wearing, pink-baton-wielding, 20,000-strong 'Pink Gang' decided to shake things up.

Narrating the story of Sampat Pal and the Pink Gang's fight for Sheelu, as well as for others facing injustice and oppression, journalist Amana Fontanella-Khan delivers a riveting portrait of women grabbing fate with their own hands - and winning back their lives.

About the Author

Amana Fontanella-Khan is a contributor to the Financial Times, FT Weekend, New York Times, Daily Beast, Times of India, and others. After years living in Mumbai and coming to know the women of the Pink Gang, she now lives in Brussels.