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A study on food brand [nowa]

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A study on food brand

Wydawnictwo:Wydawnictwo SGGW
Wymiary: 176 x 250 mm
Ilość stron:124
ISBN: [zasłonięte]978-8383-334-8
Wymiary: 176 x 250 mm
Rok wydania: 2011

Spis treści:

1. Introduction
2. Determinants of food purchasers' behaviour
2.1. Essence of consumer behaviour
2.2. Economic determinants
2.3. Sociological determinants
2.4. Psychological determinants
2.5. Marketing determinants
2.6. Process of taking decisions on purchases on the market of food commodities
3. Comparative analysis of food needs in 2006 compared to needs in 2001
3.1. Research methodology of transformations in food consumption
3.2. Comparative analysis of food needs
4. Segmentation and selection of the target market
4.1. Definition and criteria of segmentation
4.2. Criteria of the target market selection
4.3. Methodology of segmentation research
4.4. Selection criteria of representatives to segmentation research
5. Brand on the food market
5.1. Brand concept
5.2. Classification of brand strategies
5.3. Brand value
5.4. Brand power and its determinants
5.5. Methods of brand value estimation
5.6. Assessment of loyalty on the example of the selected food brands
5.7. Concept and strategies of brand positioning
5.8. Concept of brand image and identity
5.9. Instruments of brand image building
5.10. Image in the context of a company's strategy
5.11. Brand strategies on the international market
5.12. Customer brand perception on food market
6. Development tendencies of the basic segments of the food market in Poland in the period 1[zasłonięte]998-20
6.1. The dairy products market
6.2. The meat and processed meat market
6.3. The vegetable fats market
7. Evaluation and direction of changes in the process of the segmentation of the food market in Poland in the period 2[zasłonięte]004-20
7.1. Segmentation of the dairy products market
7.2. Segmentation of the meat and meat products market
7.3. Segmentation of the vegetable fats market
8. Determinants of marketing strategies development in food industry companies
8.1. Elements of the internationalization strategy
8.2. Classification of marketing strategies
8.3. Diversification vs. unification of consumer behaviours - globalisation context
8.4. General description of food market in Poland
8.5. Directions of food industry development in Poland in comparison with the EU
8.6. Evaluation of the baseline situation of companies of dairy, meat, fats
8.7. Proposals of selection of a strategy option for analysed companies
8.8. Proposals of marketing mix strategies
9. Conclusions
10. References
11. List of tables
12. List of figures
13. Appendix
14. Summary

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