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A Modern Girl's
Guide To The Perfect Single Life: How to master
singledom - and love it! |
DETAILS: Author: Sarah
Ivens Language: English Publisher: Piatkus Publication Date: 4 Sep 2008 Dimensions: 12.6 x 1.3 x 19.8 cm Format:
Paperback Pages: 192 Condition: NEW Product_ID: A7499BD700
A Modern Girl's Guide to the Perfect Single Life is a
must-have book which tells the truth about how to
survive and most of all, enjoy, single life. Covering
every aspect of single life from going to events alone
to fending off exes to enjoying your freedom, it gives
advice and guidance on the real issues of single life.
Topics include: -Living on your own -Surviving the
weekends and holidays -Dating rules for the single girl
-Feeling fabulous -Managing your emotions -Enjoying your
single status -Facing the future Packed full of common
dilemmas as well as secrets of success and case studies,
this book is an essential guide for all single
women. |
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