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A-ha - forever not yours CD

21-04-2015, 11:33
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 14 zł     
Użytkownik Mysza657
numer aukcji: 5199627905
Miejscowość Kasinka Mała
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 21-04-2015 11:14:02

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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A-ha - forever not yours CD
Wymiar: 140 x 125 mm
Nr wydania: -
Seria: -
Ilość stron: -
Ocena: Bardzo dobry -
Waga: 0,10 kg
Indeks: 0250/37/0056
Rok wydania: 2001
Autor: A-ha
Wydawca: Music Manufacturing Europe
Rodzaj okładki: Twarda
Stan: Używana

Opis książki

"Forever Not Yours" is the first single from the A-ha album Lifelines. It was sent to radio stations in parts of Europe on 22 February 2002 (15 April in Belgium) and was released commercially on 2 April.

The cover of the commercial release features a closeup shot of the black front end of a 50's Cadillac standing on flatland. The A-ha logo in dark red is in the top right hand corner of the sleeve with the title in black letters underneath. The reverse of the sleeve features more flatland which has been fenced off with a small blue and white wooden panel. The sky is blue grey above with the A-ha logo in white letters at the top and track information in black underneath. The disc itself is a picture disc, showing the steering wheel and dash board photographed from inside the car. The A-ha logo is in silver at the bottom of the disc with title in white underneath. The photographs used on this single were taken by Andy Frank.


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