Also see The Prepper's Handbook - Second
Edition, The Christian Prepper's Handbook, and The
Prepper's Survival Guide. Question: What do the
following have in common? February 2013 - Nor'easter
blinds the east coast causing power outages. February
2013 - Carnival Cruise Line experiences several
disasters at sea affecting US citizens. February 2013 -
New SARs-like virus shows person-to-person transmission.
March 2013 - North Korea threatens U.S. with preemptive
nuclear strike. April 2013 - Boston Marathon bombings.
May 2013 - Oklahoma devastated with multiple
tornados. Answer: They all required or could require
individuals, families, groups, or organizations to
SHELTER-IN-PLACE. Sheltering-in-Place is an emergency
procedure for individuals, groups, or organizations
whereby you seek protection and cover by remaining at
your current location, residence, or ‘bugging-out’ to an
alternate location. Sheltering-in-place is a philosophy
that maximizes the safety and well-being of individuals,
families, groups, or organizations in either a short or
long term event. Events can be either natural or man
made and include such things as: domestic terrorism,
tornadoes, hurricanes, economic collapse, nuclear or
chemical release, riots, electromagnetic pulse, solar
flare, and even being stranded at sea. This guide
will provide the information necessary to properly
shelter-in-place based on The Survival Triangle©. The
Survival Triangle© models the key elements required to
properly shelter-in-place. Those elements are: food,
water, heat (fire), shelter, and self-preservation.
Through this understanding and insight you will have the
knowledge on what to prepare and how to
shelter-in-place. How many natural and man made
events do you have to watch or experience before you
realize one may affect you? Are you ready to