Konto aktywne do 5 lutego
jak w temacie
pvp gear:
chest, helm, waist, feet 1st ring, 1st,2 nd trinket
Two-hand mace, neck, back, wrist, hands, legs, 2nd ring, relic
85 goblin dk pvp ilev=378, pve ilev= tanking 369, dps 375.wszystkie statystyki widac na zdjeciu, postac ma kupione latanie 280%profesje to mining i enginering wylevelowane na maxa czyli 525, bonusy z wowtcg:ingame mount little ivory raptor, ingame pets: landro lichling, nightsabre cub. poza tym path of centaur, sandbox tiger, P.A.R.T.Y,
wszystko pogemowane i poenchantowane w najlepszy sposob
85 undead mage pvp ilev= 366, pve ilev=379. latanie 280% profesje to inscrypcja wylevelowana na maxa czyli 525 researche prawie wszystkie, kupione pare book of glyph mastery
konto zawira jeszcze 63 lev undead warr i 27 goblin hunter
do tego na postaciach jest okolo 7k golda, heirloomy: pelny zestaw cloth i mail + staff dla castera, dagger z agi, trinket z haste i gun
wszelkie pytania prosze kierowac na maila
zycze milej licytacji
do pracownikow allegro:
Wszystkie podmioty wymienione na tej aukcji, są oraz pozostaną własnością firmy Blizzard Entertainment.Disclaimer: You are bidding on my time leveling for this account. Said account remains the property of Blizzard. You will not 'OWN' the account, for it belongs to Blizzard. The only thing you are bidding on is the time I have invested into the account. All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard. By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on these characters and acquiring items. Before bidding on my auction you must read and agree to Blizzard's EULA located at: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard Entertainment and its licensors. This auction is not for said rights or intellectual property but is a compensation for time and effort invested personally outside the game. All items related in this auction will remain the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. By viewing OR bidding on this account you assert that you are in no way affiliated or employed with Blizzard Entertainment.