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5k11 Ohm 1% 50ppm for AUDIO MILITARY RNC55H 2szt

01-03-2012, 16:21
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Cena kup teraz: 2.46 zł     
Użytkownik HFO_PL
numer aukcji: 2085880591
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 7   
Koniec: 07-02-2012 12:51:39
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Metal Film Resistors, Military/Established
Reliability,MIL-PRF-55182 Qualified, Type
RNC, Characteristics J, H >>> PDF

Przedmiotem aukcji jest para REZYSTORÓW w wykonaniu militarnym, CH55 firmyVishay Dale

Są to rezystory o dużej stabilności i bardzo niskich szumach CJ,CH (Military RNC/RNR)

oznaczenie RNC55H5111FS

gdzie S=0.001%/1000h

5,11kΩ, 1%,TCR +-50ppm ,0.125W(700), 0.10W(1250)

• Meets requirements of MIL-PRF-55182
Very low noise (- 40 dB)
• Verified Failure Rate (Contact factory for current level)
• 100 % stabilization and screening tests. Group A testing, if desired, to customer requirements
• Controlled temperature coefficient
• Epoxy coating provides superior moisture protection
• Standard lead on RNC product is solderable and
• Traceability of materials and processing
• Monthly acceptance testing
• Vishay Dale has complete capability to develop specific
reliability programs designed to customer requirements
• Extensive stocking program at distributors and factory on
RNC50, RNC55, RNC60 and RNC65
• For MIL-PRF-55182 Characteristics E and C product, see
Vishay Angstrohm’s HDN (Military RNR/RNN) data sheet

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5k11 Ohm 1% 50ppm for AUDIO MILITARY RNC55H 2szt