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3CR17161-[zasłonięte] 91 55-SI 28+SFP
Overview The 3Com 3CR[zasłonięte]17161 Switch 5500-SI 28 ports operate at 10/100 speeds while an additional four active ports can be customized using SFP modules for copper or fiber Gigabit uplinks or integrated stacking.
- 3CR[zasłonięte]17161 Data Sheet
- 24 10/100 ports, with 4 SFP slots
- Scalable stackable design with resilient stacking up to eight units high, or 384 Fast Ethernet ports using 2 Gbps stacking bandwidth (4 Gbps full duplex).
- 12.8 Gbps switching capacity, 9.5 Mpps forwarding rate, maximum
- Wire-speed performance across all ports within a stack delivers optimal throughputs and bandwidth for business-critical data and high-speed communications
- Multi-layer operation with static routes and RIP-based Layer 3 functionality
- All 3Com Switch 5500 products share the same operating system as our premium modular switches and routers, including the 3Com Switch 8800 and 7700. This permits you to manage an entire distributed switching and routing infrastructure from a single CLI or SNMP management platform such as 3Com Enterprise Management Suite or 3Com Network Director.
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