Now world-leading fitness trainer Simon Waterson -
who trained Halle Berry - brings you seven focussed
circuit-training programmes tailored for specific needs
- prepare your body for a skiing holiday, build up
serious strength, tone up all over, get great abs, burn
fat fast and more! Circuit training is the system used
by anyone who needs to build serious levels of fitness -
athletes, soldiers, climbers and explorers. This book
will give you the body you've always dreamed of.
Following on from Commando Workout, which used a
four-week programme to build fitness, 30 Minute a Day
Body Challenge contains six 30-minute circuits based on
military training techniques. The workouts target: *
lower body * upper body * cardio * abs * plyometric
(speed, strength and endurance) * the ultimate circuit
challenge. Celebrity trainer and ex-Commando Simon
Waterson then provides seven four-week programmes
combining the circuits in different ways so you can
achieve very specific results: * fat loss * ab attack *
total toning * serious strength * ski and trek workout *
ball sport skill * active pregnancy.Simon's real-life
Commando experiences form a backdrop to the programme,
which will also increase mental endurance, give you a
sense of personal challenge and achievement, increase
speed, power, agility and reaction times and improve
muscle tone and endurance. |