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01-06-2012, 15:39
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 385 zł      Najwyzsza cena licytacji: 385 zł     
Użytkownik media-2000
numer aukcji: 2330435390
Miejscowość Warszawa
Licytowało: 9    Wyświetleń: 609   
Koniec: 21-05-2012 15:04:37

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Rozmiar: 2,5"
Producent: Inny
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385 PLN

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With a thickness of less than 20mm, the ADATA Classic Series CH94 Portable HDD is designed to feel just like a fashionable compact pocket diary. The Classic Series CH94 comes in four stylish colors (black) and can be personalized with the complimentary alphabet stickers, decorated with rhinestones or painted, allowing you the freedom to create a HDD that expresses your unique personality. Coming in a full range of capacities from 1TB the Classic Series CH94 is the ideal storage device for safely storing and transporting all your files – including photos, music and videos – making it a digital pocket diary that exudes both convenience and style.

A Combination of Ergonomics and Elegance
Resembling the shape of a pocket notebook, the ergonomic streamlined casing of the Classic Series CH94 features an elegant curve that makes a fashionable impression. The built-in wrap-around USB cable provides both convenience and secure portability for any road warrior, saving you the trouble of cable storage or loss.
Personalize Your CH94

With the included colorful alphabet stickers, your CH94 becomes more than just a portal drive. Give it a name, or let others know whom this cool drive belongs to by personalizing it in colors that suit your taste and sense of style. This unique DIY feature makes the Classic Series CH94 a hard drive that provides data storage and portability…and fun!


Specyfikacja produktu


Capacity: 1TB
Interface: Device Interface: USB 2.0; HDD Interface: 2.5" SATA
Dimensions: 2.5"
Weight: 240g
Other: 3 years warranty

Copyright Media-2000 © 2011
