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03-06-2012, 9:57
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 72 zł     
Użytkownik czarodziejka_pl
numer aukcji: 2305627796
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 26-05-2012 13:24:16

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2011
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Książki jakich szukasz

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CZARODZIEJKA_PL na platformie Allegro

Księgarnia internetowa CZARODZIEJKA_PL na platformie aukcyjnej Allegro proponuje  Państwu Książki w nadzwyczaj atrakcyjnych cenach. Oferta obejmuje wszelkie typy książek. 
Gwarantujemy szybką realizację transakcji oraz rzetelną i fachową obsługę
 Przedmiotem aukcji jest Książka
1Q84: BOOKS 1 AND 2

Autor: Haruki Murakami
Wydawca: Random house
Rok wydania: 2011
Okładka: twarda
Wymiary: 162 x 240
Ilość stron: 624
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]65540

Cena detaliczna:

Opis: Haruki Murakami is an international phenomenon. When Books One and Two of his latest masterpiece, "1Q84", were published in Japan, a million copies were sold in one month, and the critical acclaim that ensued was reported all over the globe. Readers were transfixed by the mesmerising story of Aomame and Tengo and the strange parallel universe they inhabit. Then, one year later, to the surprise and delight of his readers, Murakami published an unexpected Book Three, bringing the story to a close. In order to reflect the experience of "1Q84's" first readers, Harvill Secker is publishing Books One and Two in one beautifully designed volume and Book Three in a separate edition. A long-awaited treat for his fans, "1Q84" is also a thrilling introduction to the unique world of Murakami's imagination. This hypnotically addictive novel is a work of startling originality and, as the title suggests, a mind-bending ode to George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four". (The number 9 in Japanese is pronounced like the letter 'Q'). The year is 1984. Aomame sits in a taxi on the expressway in Tokyo. Her work is not the kind which can be discussed in public but she is in a hurry to carry out an assignment and, with the traffic at a stand-still, the driver proposes a solution. She agrees, but as a result of her actions starts to feel increasingly detached from the real world. She has been on a top-secret mission, and her next job will lead her to encounter the apparently superhuman founder of a religious cult. Meanwhile, Tengo is leading a nondescript life but wishes to become a writer. He inadvertently becomes involved in a strange affair surrounding a literary prize to which a mysterious seventeen-year-old girl has submitted her remarkable first novel. It seems to be based on her own experiences and moves readers in unusual ways. Can her story really be true? Both Aomame and Tengo notice that the world has grown strange; both realise that they are indispensable to each other. While their stories influence one another, at times by accident and at times intentionally, the two come closer and closer to intertwining.


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