Offering some realistic tips on how to lighten the
load you carry into the woods. 12 Steps to a Lighter
Pack is written by an avid outdoorsman, for those
interested in lightweight, as well as ultralight
backpacking and trying to shave some weight from their
packs. Steven, who has been camping since he was a
child, offers real-world tips on how to look at your
gear from a different point of view from what you might
be used to. Inside, are some tips on how to pack a
little bit lighter. The tips here can help you to
relieve at least three pounds from your pack – and maybe
more. The tips listed here are not tips he simply
recommends; they are tips that he himself practices
within his own pack. While learning how to pack a
lighter pack, you need to be mindful of one simple fact:
There are 16 ounces in a pound. There are 12 steps
within this book. If you can shave just four tiny little
ounces in each of the 12 steps, you can shave 48 ounces
from your pack. 48 ounces divided by 16 ounces in a
pound is THREE POUNDS of weight that you will have
shaved from your pack. Whether you are planning a
multiple day backpacking trip, or packing your day pack
because you are planning on hiking for just a few hours
one day, you still need to be aware of the items you are
carrying as well as the weight of those items. Since no
one book can get you as light as you can, this book is
to help the newbie get started down the path to a
lighter pack. To get your pack to its lightest possible
weight, you have to gather information from a lot of
resources. 12 Steps to A Lighter Pack is just one
resource that can get you started down the right path.
Steven offers tips on how to cull some weight from
several areas of your pack but here are just four: >
your pack > your kitchen > your shelter system
> and even your pockets Yes, Steven even looks into
your pockets to help you pack light. Ask yourself one
question: When on the trail, do you want to lug around a
heavier pack, or a lighter pack? The tips listed here
will help with packing a lighter pack. Even if your goal
is to trek over to the ultralight backpacking, these
tips may help. Either way, your back, hips, knees and
feet will thank you for buying this book.